"Just Old Buildings" - Restless, 2004
John and I went into Oxford this afternoon to shop for some new clothes for him. When we arrived, we went into a newish Pret location on Cornmarket for a bite of lunch.
(Click on any of the images for a full-sized version.)

It's an especially nice location. The interior of the conversion has been well done. And I knew it was one of the older buildings in Oxford. But I didn't know how old until I spotted this plaque on the wall near where we were sitting...

Wow. 1392! It's not that often that I eat a sandwich in a building that pre-dates the discovery of America!
PS It occurred to me this morning that I didn't post an exterior shot of the building - so I took one this morning, on the way into work...
I love this old tutor style building and walk past it nearly every day. It looks like it's ready to fall over!
You're not spending enough time in the ancient centres of Oxbridge! It's one of my favorite things about these parts, the number of ancient or moderately old buildings around. Or buildings in which one wall is still moderately old and the rest have been demolished and fixed up. But yeah it does sometimes boggle the mind. My college is the newest of the old foundations here but is still late 16th century!
nfah: You and I are SO lucky to be able to work in such amazing surroundings! Actually, I DO spend quite a lot of time wandering the back alleys of Oxford, going to/from the commuter bus. I marvel at the age of structures...and, as you said, at the positioning of the REALLY old, old and newer.
In our village, "New Street" was said to have been named in the 1600s! That always makes me laugh.
Kris: I must have been reading your mind. I've added a PS this morning, posting an exterior photo. I, too, always feel like it's going to fall on me! Isn't it beautiful?
Thanks for the comments, both of you!
Oh I love this building! During my student days when I lived in classy Cowley (insert the lol here) I'd go into the Laura Ashley that use to occupy the corner space and dream I'd one day live in my own tudor building and flounce about in LA frocks.. this was 1991.
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