"Should I Stay or Should I Go" - Clash, 1982

Today, I'm going to begin regular reports on my quest to get permanent residency in the UK before Christmas.
I've been here in the UK since December 2002 on a 5-year work permit. That visa expires on the 22nd of December this year. As most of you know, John and I got married in January 2006. But despite now being married to a British citizen, I still have to go through what seems like endless channels to get permanent residency...and perhaps, eventually, dual citizenship.
The first step is to obtain what's called Indefinite Leave to Remain. Before the appointment with the government to obtain that, I have to pass the "Life in the UK" test. And that's now scheduled.
I have an appointment with the testing center in Banbury, Oxfordshire -- the nearest location to our village -- for Wednesday 10 October at 2:15pm. So for me, the serious studying begins. And I have an excellent tutor, study partner and coach, as you can imagine! God bless him!
Good luck with the test, I am sure you will do great!
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Just been catching up on all of your BLOGs. Good luck for Wednesday! I am not sure that many Brits, including myself, would pass the test but I am sure that you will do very well. They may even ask you to become Prime Minister. LOL.
I've just taken the mock test and achieved 45% so looks like I won't be allowed back to England any time soon.
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