"I've Got the Music in Me" - Kiki Dee Band, 1974

My brain often plays little tricks on me, in the form of what it picks to "play" to me. This morning was one of those cases. And it involved a really awful pun as well.
The park and ride lot I use to get into Oxford has glass recycling bins on the property. Now that's very handy for us, as our local council will recycle everything but glass via home pickup. We are provided with a council-sponsored with bottle bag, though, so that we can easily store the empty bottles to take to a bottle bank somewhere in the area.
So this morning, I took our full bag of bottles with me in the boot/truck of the car. As I got to the lot well before the 7:15am bus was leaving, I took the bottles over to the receptacles before getting on the bus into Oxford.
I emptied the clear ones first. Then there were a few green wine bottles for the green-glass bin.
As I dealt with the green bottles, I realized there was a song playing in my head. At the risk of scaring all of my readers away, I'll tell you what little joke my brain had made.
My brain was singing "The Green Green Glass from Home" to me (to the tune of "The Green Green Grass of Home").
I told you it was an awful pun. You were warned.
Last week I had a "soundtracking" incident that was almost surreal. I woke up at 3:15 a.m. and wasn't able to get back to sleep. I tossed and turned, and finally crawled out of bed at 7:00 knowing I'd have to face the day with only about 3 hours of sleep. After breakfast I climbed into the car, and turned on the radio. The first song I heard? Matthew Barber singing "Oh sleep please come to me... it's a quarter after three... there are things I've gotta do, tomorrow before noon..."
Ooooh! I should have heeded your warning!
You have been too long away from the US of A! Boot/Truck. Even I know a boot is called a trunk in USA. LOL. We passed by you way last week on our way home from Italy but it was the wrong time of day to pop in and say hello.
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