Friday 2 September 2005

"When The Levee Breaks" - Led Zeppelin, 1971

Sorry I haven't written lately. I just haven't known what to say. What's happened to the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama because of Hurricane Katrina is too horrible for words. I just hope that Federal and state officials quit holding press conferences and posing for photo-ops and DO SOMETHING SOON FOR THE PEOPLE WHO SO DESPERATELY NEED HELP!

I've been teaching in London this past week for one of the international oil companies, in their offices. After being in Cape Town all last week, I'm very tired. But all will be well soon -- John and I are off on a week's vacation to the Highlands of Scotland tomorrow. It's one of my favorite places to go, and we're going to enjoy every minute of it!

I'll write again when I can. Meanwhile, let's all pray for the victims of this past week's hurricane.



At 06 September, 2005 19:47 , Blogger Owen said...

I agree completely. I can't believe how much the politicians have bungled this one. There is blood on their hands, and while I wish it never happened, at least it did happen to a red state so Bush's own people can see what he's been doing to the rest of us all this time.

At 07 September, 2005 20:50 , Blogger Wendy said...

Yes, it's surreal. I'm seeing amazing community teamwork pulling together supplies, money... the kids are involved. Everyone. I hope and pray....


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