"Now They're Here" - Kate Jacobs, 1993

And as additional proof, look what John spotted while we were in London last week...

(Click on the image for a full-sized version.)
John and I are off to the States on Monday for 2 glorious weeks of vacation/holiday! I'll try to blog from time to time while I'm back home. But in case I don't manage to do so, I'll be back in the swing of blogging mid-May.
Be good while I'm away!
With a large glass of cold milk! Save travels and have fun.
Clint can't live without oreo's in the house; he gets the double-stuffed. He has to open the bag just so, so that it can be sealed back up just so...he's a fanatic.
Stopping by IL while you're stateside, by chance?!! Hmmmm?
No, Gnightgirl -- just NM and TX this time. Someday, tho?????
And not Michigan either, BB, sadly. It's been so long since we saw you and S!
No, Gnightgirl -- just NM and TX this time. Someday, tho?????
And not Michigan either, BB, sadly. It's been so long since we saw you and S!
Yey! Have a fab time and give my regards to Aunt Blanche. Say "Hello" to Alamogordo from me - and why not drop into the Applebees there for some fab service :)
Loads of love
OREOS! Wow, how'd you manage without? I love those things.
Put Maryland on the list next time, too :)
At last! I can't believe we never had them before over there.
Hope you had a great vacation
Have a lovely holiday! :) Say Hi to John for me!
You'll be glad to hear I did manage to remember to water your plants once or twice. (You know how rubbish I am at remembering stuff like that).
It's deadly quiet in our corner of the office without you. I look forward to seeing you again next week and hearing all your holiday stories.
I just had Moo Moo's put oreos in my shake. It was delicious!
I finally understand the difference between cookie and biscuit, but only after several people I work with explained it to me.
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