"(It's So) Easy to Slip" - Little Feat, 1972

For those of you know would like to read about Manchester United's victory over Chelsea last night, I'm linking the coverage from the BBC. Personally, I've seen and heard enough.
My Texan friend Bill will be happy to hear that his favorite Man U player, Ryan Giggs, is quite a hero in Manchester today. John and I wonder if last night's victory might trigger Giggs' retirement. We'll see.
Anyway, it wasn't the best ending to John's birthday -- which was otherwise a very good one. If a Chelsea victory would have been the icing on John's birthday cake, then I'm afraid (to paraphrase fellow Okie Jimmy Webb) that someone left John's cake out in the Russian rain.

PS (at 11:30am): As you'll see to the right, the creative jokesters are already hard at work over here...
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