Wednesday 3 December 2008

"Everything Is Just a Scam" - Black Watch, 2002

My British readers will have already heard this story on news broadcasts, so I'm writing this for my readers in other parts of the world.

There are few things worse than a Christmas scam. Lapland New Forest has to be the granddaddy of them all.

Take a look at this article on the BBC's website, along with the photos they've posted there. Those involved should be ashamed of themselves for pulling a scam like this!

Perhaps the statement on the Lapland New Forest website should have given all potential visitors a clue ahead of time - "It's You That Makes It Beautiful". It's clear that those running this horrible place created nothing approaching "beautiful"...or joyful.



At 03 December, 2008 16:15 , Blogger Chris Hale said...

Greetings, Laird o' the Celery.

I heard tell on the wireless that one child had been distraught at the sight of Santa having a crafty cigarette); and that said jolly old gent had actually been punched on the nose by a disgruntled parent.

Perhaps (to paraphrase the words of Ebenezer Scrooge), the scambags should be 'boiled with their own puddings and buried with a stake of holly through their hearts'.

At 03 December, 2008 21:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it a bit rose-tinted glasses to have expected this to look as advertised? I know, devil's advocate, I can't help myself. I'm such a cynic!

At 07 December, 2008 11:08 , Blogger Stevyn Colgan said...

Sad, sad, sad. There are some greedy gits out there.

Ho-ho-hose them down and dump them on a glacier in Lapland, I say!

Incidentally, I did once see a strip club called 'Lapland'. It put a whole new perspective on why Father Christmas is so jolly and red faced.


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