Wednesday 30 July 2008

"If I Fell" - Beatles, 1964

There's another coincidence to report today.

Yesterday, in Oxford - and near the flat where I lived when I first arrived in England in December 2002 - a building collapsed. It wasn't the size of the one in the photo to the right, which has been put there for entertainment purposes only. Luckily, no one was hurt in yesterday's incident. But the story especially caught my attention because of the location in Oxford; I used to walk right by that block on the way home from work.

Today, because I was on Sub Pop Records' website looking up information on Wolf Parade, I bumped into a list of their artists. Low and behold, there it was on the page - a band called Oxford Collapse!

Weird, huh?

The band's from Brooklyn, by the way.

Go see what I've been listening to at: Auditory Cortex


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