"Celebration" - Kool and the Gang, 1980
Today is the "official" birthday of the Queen. We watched a fantastic series of events on TV late this morning which culminated with the fly-over of a collection of RAF aircraft, both old and new. The planes few right down the Mall and over Buckingham Palace.
There is an interesting series of photos on the BBC's website to commemorate the celebrations today.
I told John, as we watched on TV this morning, that it was the perfect occasion to post a photo that I took back in May. I had the opportunity to teach in a very tall office building -- probably the tallest in that part of London -- near Victoria Station. The training room used for our course was on the very top floor of the building. Our view was to the west...and believe me, it was quite a view. But one of my students slipped down to the end of the building and discovered, in a small empty office, the most amazing view of Buckingham Palace. Since I always carry a compact digi-camera with me, I started snapping away.
It was one of those to-dream-about opportunities to see Buckingham Palace from an angle I never would have expected to experience!
And here it is...and, as usual, you can click on the image to see a larger version:

So Happy Birthday again, Your Majesty! What a party the nation threw for you today!
Beautiful photo! Keep the camera handy.
Wonderful picture. You should have been a press photographer, or maybe a spy.
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