"Keep A Lid On Things" - Crash Test Dummies, 1999
I'm so disappointed. I saw something very peculiar on a sign in Oxford yesterday and didn't take the time to stop and photograph it right there and then. And today, it's gone.
Hoping that my readers will believe me without photographic evidence, though, I'll go ahead and tell you the story.
First, this morning I took a photo of the building involved in the story...

(Click on the photo for a larger image.)
This is an Oxford City Council building that isn't too far from my office. I walk by it often.
I've seen signs on the door of that building many times, announcing a meeting or a particular speaker or something else going on in the building. But yesterday, the sign on the door said something completely unexpected. It read:
So I guess yesterday was the official "Bring Your Insects to City Council Day" in Oxford, maybe?
You like the Crash Test Dummies too?! That's another local band - in fact Brad Roberts, their lead singer, served Marcel and I beers on the first night we met. (I realize this has nothing to do with your post, just your heading. :-)
You really should visit Winnipeg some day, and sample some of the other great talent around here!
ALL comments are welcome! ;-)
Sounds like I DO need to come to Winnipeg somewhere along the way. I didn't realize so many artists and groups I like are from there. Maybe I can tack it onto a business trip to Calgary some time!
I like CTD too. I saw them in concert in Madison, along with Mila somebody-or-other who has since gone on to have an acting career.
As for the insects, maybe there were visiting entomologists at the city council? This is when the lack of local news media bugs me.
Well, it is Cockroach Day *every* day here in the Virginia General Assembly...
Oh, and you get bonus Canadian Content marks for the Crash Test Dummies. :)
In Southern Illinois right now, We have a bajillion Japanese beatles we'll be happy to share with you ~ not to be confused with the Beatles from our younger days. Has anyone there noticed your remarkable resemblance to Sir Paul??? :)
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