Sunday, 20 August 2006

"Back In The Saddle" - Aerosmith, 1976

I'm back!

I got into London Heathrow right on time Saturday morning...and, incredibly, my luggage was on the plane with me this time. Security at Cape Town Airport was no tougher than usual, but things are still quite disrupted at Heathrow.

I've spent nearly the entire weekend resting and sleeping (and catching up with the "EastEnders" omnibus edition this afternoon). I'm running on-site training in London for the next two days for one of the major international oil companies, and I'm hoping like crazy that my brain will be fully-functional in the morning!

It wasn't a bad flight back...just very long. 12+ hours is a long time to spend in an airplane seat. Unusually, I had a seat free next to me, though, and that made a big difference in my comfort level.

I'll try to get back into the routine of Lord Celery entries this week. I have several stories from Cape Town to relate, and I'll try to do that in the coming days. I also want to post all of the photos I took on a Smugmug page, and I'll post a link to that this week.

Meanwhile, let me get started catching up with everything all of you have posted in the past week!



At 20 August, 2006 23:16 , Blogger Vikki L. Jeanne Cleveland said...

Welcome home, Janet! I'm back at work tomorrow, too. :)

At 21 August, 2006 19:35 , Blogger The very nice man said...

Hi, Janet,
you seem to be dodging the terrorists!! Flying here, flying there! I hope they pay you well - - - hold on - - you live in (near) Oxford! Of course they pay you well! Silly me!
Look forward to the Cape Town stories.

At 22 August, 2006 14:21 , Blogger Heather Plett said...

Welcome back! Glad you (and your luggage) made it safe and sound. Hope you bought some fun souvenirs for yourself!

At 22 August, 2006 16:13 , Blogger A Novelist said...

I'm glad you made it back safely and had a wonderful time on your travels. Welcome back. :)

At 24 August, 2006 08:23 , Blogger Ingrid said...

Looking forward to read your stories about Cape town, have never been there. I just came back from a week-end in Amsterdam and did some pictures, which I put in my travel blog. Have you ever been there ?

At 24 August, 2006 16:30 , Blogger Janet said...

Thanks, everybody, for the kind comments! Luggage made it back with me to LHR without any problems this time...and yes, besides buying deodorant, shampoo, Clinique stuff, pens, an alarm clock, etc. in Cape Town, I DID manage to buy a few things for me and for gifts. I especially like the dung beetle paperweight that I brought home for John!




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