"One Step Closer" - Doobie Brothers, 1980
Can it really be that we're one step closer to peace in Northern Ireland? We can only hope!
Here's a link to the BBC's Northern Ireland news pages.
An American - and honorary "Bronx Girl" - living in little Britain
Can it really be that we're one step closer to peace in Northern Ireland? We can only hope!
If you think you are having a bad day today, put yourself in the shoes of poor Gordon Strachan...
I'm sorry that I haven't written a Lord Celery item for quite a few days. We have a very distinguished guest here with us in North Oxfordshire. My Aunt Blanche is here from New Mexico -- for her first-ever trip to the UK!
I've just had a very odd experience.
So you may be wondering why I've chosen "Insensitive" as the title of this Lord Celery entry. It's because of two things that happened during and just after the 2 minutes of silence, as we were standing outside.
The first was that a carload of young Muslims pulled up just in front of our building, just before noon. They stopped the car and just sat there. I thought it was a kind gesture, given that there were people standing outside on either side of the street. They weren't talking or listening to the radio or anything. I assumed that they were honoring the silence. However, just before the two minutes were up, another young Muslim woman came racing out of one of the buildings across the street. She noisily jumped into the car with the others. The driver did a screeching U-turn in the street, right in front of me, and they raced off in the opposite direction. So much for my theory about why they had stopped.
And then the second thing happened. Just as we were dispersing, a couple walked right in front of me on the pavement. They were obviously British -- English, I think, although I'm not sure enough of regional accents to say which part of the UK they were from. But as they walked by the group from my office, the man said something like, "Well, I'll bet most of the people out here are foreigners...and they are the ones who are blowing us up." My colleagues and I looked at each other in amazement.
That kind of mind-set scares the stuffing out of me at the best of times. Today, it made me feel extremely sad.
NASA will try to launch the space shuttle Discovery later today. I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed for their success this time...
I should have written about this last Saturday the 9th, but I was too mentally and physically exhausted from last week's events in London to do it without crying too much. But I've just learned of the unexpected death of a beloved dog belonging to a colleague of mine here in the UK. I feel so terrible for the loss she and her husband are experiencing. Now I feel I can -- and should -- write this piece.
As an American living in Britain, I'm really embarrassed this morning.
I can't think of a better title for today's blog. I seem to have an unusually large volume of "stuff" on my mind today...
What a difference a day makes. No kidding...
This is a very happy day here in the UK. London won the bid for the 2012 Olympics! Wow! I thought for sure that Paris was going to win.
HAPPY FOURTH to all of my American family and friends!
Yesterday was "Live 8". What a great day of music it was! I hope that Bush, Blair and the other six world leaders meeting in Scotland this coming week are paying close attention to the many thousands of people who signed the online petition or sent in text messages in support of the Live 8 cause.