I had hoped to write more about our trip back to the States over the course of this past week, but I've been a little under the weather. As I'm feeling better this evening, and while John and I both assemble and post our trip photos to Smugmug, I thought I'd share with my readers the faces of the people (and the six doggies) we were so happy to spend time with while in the US.
Click on any of the photos below for a full-sized version.

New Mexico: Judge Boyle, who married us 2-1/2 years ago. This was taken in her office in the Otero County Courthouse, with photos of the couples she's married on the office wall behind us!

New Mexico: John and Aunt Blanche (on the front porch of my cousin Don's house)

New Mexico: L to R, Jane (holding Mitzi), my cousin Weldon (Jane's husband), John and me...after eating some of
New Mexico's best green-chile cheeseburgers.
New Mexico: Teddy, Aunt Blanche's dog

New Mexico: Lady, my cousin Don's dog (who was staying at Aunt Blanche's house)

New Mexico: Aunt Blanche (R) with her friend Vange, in Aunt Blanche's kitchen

New Mexico: My brother Larry with his girlfriend Marcella

Texas: With my friend Krista. Isn't it cool that we blink simultaneously?

Texas: One of my all-time favorite families -- William, Brian, Melanie & Lee. (And there's a new baby due in October!)

Texas: And Winston completes the family above. (I'm convinced that Winston is
my Mac reincarnated, by the way.)

Texas: My dear friend Claudia with one of her Westies. I
think it's Emma????

Texas: Claudia's two Westies, Adelaide (R) and Emma.

Texas: Claudia, with grandchildren Anna Claire and Regan and daughter-in-law Amy.

Texas: Claudia's son Jay, with a model of his airplane, posing in his and Amy's new home.

But as much as I loved being around those we love,
THIS is the guy whose company I enjoy the most! This is a self-portrait, taken at the Tunnel Vista on Highway 82, in New Mexico.
John and I will let everybody know when we've posted all of the vacation photos online.