"The Lucky One" - Alison Krauss & Union Station, 2001
Yes, folks, I was the lucky one.
I could have been in Row 20 on the Air Canada flight from Heathrow to Calgary yesterday. But I was in Row 22. Thank you, Lord!
Had I been in Row 20, I would have been right in the line-of-fire of the spew of projectile vomit coming from the boy in Row 21, just as we landed in Calgary. But being behind him, I was spared everything but the stench.
I hope the kid is all right. He looked ok as we "deplaned", although perhaps a little pale.
I thought I'd seen almost everything happen during a flight. But this was a new one.
Meanwhile, I'm safely in Calgary...and today I settled in and had a meeting this afternoon with the client for the course I'm running over the next few days. But I managed a few photos...
First, here's the view from my hotel room -- of Eau Claire Market:

(Click on this and the other photos for a full-sized image.)
I've always liked this bench, near the Eau Claire Market:

It definitely looks like "Fall" here in Calgary:

And last...a view from the +15 system, over Stephens Avenue:

I'll try to send a few more photos during the week.