I didn't like receiving chain letters, and I'm not crazy about cyber-chain letters either. But I've been tagged by a favorite fellow blogger -
Stevyn - so I'll give this one a try.
Here are the rules...
1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Explain the rules.
3) Reveal six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
4) Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged.
OK - here goes...
1. I have a different blood type than my brother does or than our parents did. They were/are all Type A, and I'm a Type O. I'm also the only one of the four of us who is nearsighted. That led me to wonder, as a kid, whether or not I might be adopted. But I'm too much like other family members, and everyone assures me that I'm not an adopted child. (I often thought I was probably from another planet, though.)
2. As a very young child, I was allergic to sunshine. My parents had to make car trips in the dark, as a result. I outgrew the problem by the time I was a few years old.
3. When I was young, I submited a poem about the Beatles to
radio station KXOK in St. Louis and won a contest they were running. The prize was a telephone call from
Louise Harrison Caldwell, George's older sister, who was then
living in Benton, Illinois. As a result of that phone call, some of my friends and I had opportunities to twice visit her in her home, and we heard all kinds of interesting family stories...and got to see family photos!
4. I can't stand having peas on the same plate as my other foods, as I don't like other things contaminated with "pea juice".
5. I buy only white paper products - like toilet paper, kitchen/paper towels, tissues, napkins, etc. They can't be colored, and they also can't have any prints on them.
6. Every time I've gone to South Africa, I've spent far too much time watching which way the water flowed down the drain in sinks and toilets.
Feeling as I do about these sorts of things, I'm
not going to tag anyone. However, if any of you would like to participate, please do. Actually, it was kind of fun. Oh, and if you do, please send me a note and let me know. I'm curious enough to want to read other people's submissions!